Guidelines: Research Grants for Librarians: Campus Division Level Application & Funding
LAUC-SD Research and Presentation/Poster Grant Guidelines
The University of California provides various grants to support research and advancement of knowledge in the field of library and information science and other subject areas. These grants are open to the members of the Librarians Association of the University of California (LAUC).
There are LAUC UC-wide (also referred to as statewide) as well as campus division-level funds and the application processes differ. This document discusses only campus division-level funding and application processes. For UC-wide (statewide) funds, please see information on UC-wide Guidelines for LAUC Grants. Discuss with a member of LAUC-SD R&PD Committee to determine whether your application should be submitted for division-level funding or university-wide funding.
Proposals must focus on research or studies in library or information science, including dissemination of information; on advancement in knowledge within the broad definition of these fields; on the profession of librarianship; or on subject specialties for which the applicant is highly qualified and which would result in the advancement of knowledge in general.
Criteria for Evaluating Proposals
The general criteria by which applications for research and presentation/poster grants are evaluated by are the following:
- The significance of the proposed project or study with respect to one or more of the following:
- Clarity of the proposal.
- For research projects, the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.
- Appropriateness of the proposed budget.
- Relevant background, training, and experience of the applicant(s)
- Impact on library services and/or users,
- Relationship to other research or resources in Library and Information Science,
- Contribution to scholarship in any academic discipline.
- The applicant owes no outstanding reports or documentation from previous LAUC-SD grants.
- Documentation demonstrating that you have already exhausted any other professional development funds (sample included in application form).
Use of Funds
LAUC-SD research and presentation/poster funds are intended to support research by Librarians and cannot be used to procure hardware, software, equipment or supplies for administrative units within the Library. Additionally, the purchase of specialized and expensive equipment is not the purview of this funding.
LAUC-SD presentation/poster funds are intended to supplement professional development funds.
The funds will not be used to fund attendance in courses to develop personal skills (professional development) unless those skills are necessary for a specific research methodology, e.g., statistical analysis.
The funds typically may be used for purposes including but are not limited to the following. R&PD will have the discretion to make decisions on a case by case basis.
- Consultants
- Graphics support
- Offsite photocopying
- Poster creation and production
- Staff
- Supplies
- Publishing fees
- Registration for the conference in which the presentation or poster is given
- Travel-related expenses for a conference in which the presentation or poster is given.
Funding Cycle
Funds are awarded on a one-year basis, as available. Funds not expended within 12 months of the award date will revert to the Research and Presentation/Poster Grant Funds. An extension of funding may be granted by the LAUC-SD R&PD Committee. Requests for extension and/or additional funds must be submitted to the Committee two months before the end of the funding cycle.
If a recipient of research funds terminates employment with the University of California, unexpended funds will revert to the Research and Presentation/Poster Grant Funds.
All unexpended funds shall revert to the Research and Presentation/Poster Grant Funds.
Application Process
Applications may be submitted at any time. Please submit the following to the chair of the LAUC-SD R&PD Committee.
- LAUC R&PD application form (revised August 2017)
Other required documents:
- Reporting (Appendix D) - All successful applicants are required to report their progress or submit a final report to the Committee Chair within one month of the completion of the research project or presentation/poster. Final reports will be linked to the list of funded projects.
The Committee Chair will notify the applicants and the other Committee members of approval or disapproval of proposals, and will announce the successful applicants and the projects to the LAUC membership. The Committee Chair will notify the Business & Employee Services (BES) Program to authorize the release of the funds.
Funding disbursements are handled by the Library BES. Successful applicants should meet with BES personnel to discuss the funding requirements, i.e., preparation of required forms, budgeting General Assistance hours, etc.
Applicant’(s) name(s), Project or Presentation/Poster title and date will be posted on the LAUC-SD R&PD Funded Projects webpage.
Tips for Submitting Grant Proposals
- Be clear in detailing those aspects of your background that show your potential to successfully complete your research or study.
- The professional expertise represented by the review committee(s) is diverse and varies from year to year. Therefore, think about your audience as you write your proposal. Don't assume technical knowledge, i.e., technical processing proposals may be difficult for public service people to evaluate, and vice versa. Clearly emphasize the important issues and provide relevant examples or sample documents (online records, survey forms, etc.) whenever that would be helpful.
- Ask a colleague to read a draft of your proposal and to give you feedback early in the writing process. A member of the LAUC-SD R&PD Committee can also provide early feedback on the development of the proposal.
- Review successful LAUC-SD R&PD Funded Projects.
- Better to err on the side of too much detail when filling out your application.
- Don't forget to ask for release time or money for student assistants if that is appropriate for your research.
- Proposals to support the dissemination of research results by paying for the production of slides or poster session displays have been supported by LAUC-SD, so don't hesitate to submit such proposals.
- "Big ticket" proposals, substantial research projects, and projects that will benefit multiple campuses are more appropriate for UC-wide (statewide) funding submission.
- You are encouraged to submit proposals to the campus division-level for funding of "prototype projects” that may develop into more substantial projects appropriate for funding at the UC-wide (statewide) level at a later stage.
- Please note that proposals are frequently not accepted in their original form. Expect to get a list of questions, as well as requests for more information, from the division-level committee. This is normal, and should not be seen as a negative comment on the value of your work. Also, expect to be asked to revise your proposal for resubmission.
If you have questions regarding submitting a grant proposal, please contact the LAUC-SD R&PD Chair.
rev. 7/2020, 3/2015, 5/2008, 1/2000
Approved by LAUC-SD: May 7, 1996