Buddy Program
The LAUC-SD Buddy Program welcomes newly hired librarians in order to help them succeed in our environment, especially in areas such as academic reviews and getting involved in LAUC. It is not intended to replace other mentoring activities that focus on the specific job responsibilities of the new librarian.
LAUC-SD Buddies are established LAUC-SD members who are paired with newly hired librarians through their first review cycle, generally outside the new librarian's own department. Buddies for new librarians are assigned by the LAUC-SD Executive Board, but need not be members of the Executive Board.
After identifying a Buddy, the current LAUC-SD chair should send (via email) a letter of introduction to the new librarian. The letter should indicate the designated Buddy, provide the URL to the LAUC-SD website, and mention these materials available on the site:
- Brief Guide to LAUC
- Membership and executive board rosters
- Dates of upcoming membership meetings
Suggested Buddy activities:
- Buddies should get together with their partner librarian as soon as possible after the new librarian has arrived and been oriented. Frequency of subsequent get-togethers is up to the two people involved, but at least one face-to-face meeting is suggested at first.
- Buddies should offer to talk with their partner librarian about their first review process.