Library Associates Opportunities
Bibliophile Level: $10,000
- Event underwriting sponsor for Signature Event
- Invitation and premier seating for ten to all Library Signature Events
- Invitation to annual donor luncheon with the Audrey Geisel University Librarian
- Membership to UC San Diego Library Associates where you will receive insider information and invitations to additional events and lectures
- Recognition in digital and printed materials
- Library card access and ability to check out books
- Opportunity to receive autographed publications from the Signature Event Series presenters
Collector Level: $5,000
- Invitation and premier seating for six to all Library Signature Events
- Invitation to annual donor luncheon with the Audrey Geisel University Librarian
- Membership to UC San Diego Library Associates where you will receive insider information and invitations to additional events and lectures
- Recognition in digital and printed materials
- Library card access and ability to check out books
- Opportunity to receive autographed publications from the Signature Event Series presenters
Author Level: $2,500
- Invitation and premier seating for four to all Library Signature Events
- Invitation to annual donor luncheon with the Audrey Geisel University Librarian
- Membership to UC San Diego Library Associates where you will receive invitations to additional events and lectures
- Recognition in digital and printed materials
- Library card access and ability to check out books
- Opportunity to receive autographed publications from the Signature Event Series presenters
Reader Level: $1,000
- Invitation and reserved seating for two to all Library Signature Events
- Membership to UC San Diego Library Associates where you will receive invitations to additional events and lectures
- Recognition in digital and printed event materials
- Library card access and ability to check out books
- Opportunity to receive autographed publications from the Signature Event Series presenters