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Private support is more important than ever to help UC San Diego maintain its high standard of teaching and research. Your contribution will enable our students, faculty, and researchers to continue to have access to information that is critical to the cutting-edge research done on campus.

Give Online

To donate to an existing named collection endowment, please visit and enter the fund name in the search field, or select one of the priority funds listed below.

Give by Mail

To mail your contribution, make your check payable to "UC San Diego Foundation", note the fund and send to:

UC San Diego Library
c/o Jennifer Brown, Director of Development
9500 Gilman Drive, MC 0175G
La Jolla, CA 92093-0175

Give by Phone

To make your gift by phone, please contact Director of Development, Jennifer Brown at
(714) 334-7801.

Planned Gifts and Bequests

If you have made a provision for the UC San Diego Library in your estate plans, please let us know. You will also become eligible to join the UC San Diego York Society. This society recognizes and thanks alumni and friends who make a future commitment to the university through bequest intentions, charitable annuities, life income agreements, or other planned gifts.

Increase Your Impact with Gift Matching

Matching gift programs can dramatically increase the impact of your gift to UC San Diego. Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and may double or triple any charitable contributions made by their employees. Visit Employer Matching Gifts to learn if your donation is eligible.